Jonathan Carlisle
Jonathan's podcasting exploits have taken him from the land of Florin to Planet Zarkon. He boasts no formal background in movie review, he just likes shiny things and funny faces. And his wife and three kids, he likes them too. Yes, and the dog. No, no, he doesn’t hate cats, he just really doesn’t need any more pets at the moment. No really, the kittens are very cute, but he must decline.
David Johnson
David is a certified dental technician living in Madison Wisconsin with a wonderful wife and two sickly cats. He’s well aware that he is a Nerd but prefers to regard himself as a high brow, artsy fartsy Nerd.

Where did they film UHF? Is that where the characters actually live and work? How would we know? Can we know? Can we speculate? May we speculate? Mother, may I speculate? Please? With a cherry on top? Who’s allergic to cherries…?